If you’ve ever smelt Cannabis you’ll know it has a very specific aroma – and it doesn’t have to be sparked up to get a whiff. Similar to how tannins influence wine, the cannabis aroma is actually derived from something called terpenes.

With more than 150 terpenes possible to be found, these aromatic compounds determine the cannabis scent and it’s their variety of combinations that help each cannabis strain stand out.  

The origin of terpenes

Terpenes come from the female cannabis plants, or, more specifically, their trichomes. The trichome is a translucent and very sticky gland that usually covers the bud surface. You can also find trichomes on stems and leaves. 

Aside from generating various aromas, terpenes come with a vast range of roles and ensure the plant’s growth and survival. Terpenes enrich the bud/leaf pigmentation while influencing the plants’ colouring. It’s even possible for terpenes to boost how attractive the plant is to various creatures and protect it from attackers by using specific terpenes called geraniol to repel them. They also help boost the immune system of the cannabis plant. Due to the fact that terpenes tend to be very volatile, it’s very easy to lose them during the extraction process. 

Do terpenes have a positive or negative effect on your body?

One of the main benefits of terpenes is the fact that they can help alleviate stress and anxiety in everyday life. People can start using CBD products with higher terpene levels, and the results can be very impressive. 

  • Terpenes are known to help eliminate viruses, including carvone, caryophyllene, alpha-pinene and others.
  • Terpenes can also be used to inhibit cancer cell growth. People also use terpenes to help fight microbes too. There are many situations when terpenes can be used as a way to kill microorganism progression for many patients. 
  • Terpenes can be used as a way to alleviate pain. There are multiple studies where terpenes are used as a way to alleviate pain, without dealing with side effects. Many terpenes like geraniol, humulene and even linalool have been very efficient and known to bring in an incredible results when it comes to pain relief.

It’s important to understand the role of terpenes and just how crucial they really are in regard to improving your health and which products you should choose. While there are many ongoing studies around the use of terpenes, one thing is certain, they can play a great role when it comes to keeping you healthy and open you up to a world of therapeutic opportunities through CBD.

For more information on terpenes and Medleaf Global products, please email us at info@medleaf.global.